Week Ending, Saturday, 24th October 2020 (34.49 miles)

 Sunday, 18th October 2020

3.59 miles. Around Boldon Colliery, on folding bicycle. Cloudy and 14C.

The madness of Covid-19, so bored, I am now doing the Cyclechat ABC streets challenge as well as the ABC place names challenge. 

Not a bad haul today, got Street Names A..D, in only 3.5 miles! Plus, learned a little bit about the street names in the immediate area I have lived for 30+ years!

Monday, 19th October 2020

4.41 Miles. Boldon Colliery - Jarrow. On folding bicycle. Dull, with a slight shower, 10C. More street names for the CycleChat ABC Street Name Challenge, reached "I" today.

Tuesday, 20th October 2020

5.5 miles. Boldon Colliery and South Shields. Damp, cloudy with sun, and, surprisingly mild at 16C. On Folding Bicycles, with Kathleen, and, collection more street names (J-N) for the Cyclechat ABC Street Name Challenge. No Video.

Followed by a trip to the pub (Prince of Wales) with the "boys), average age 70+ 

Another 2.35 miles.

Wednesday, 21st October 2020.

8.29 miles. 
Boldon Colliery, Jarrow and South Shields. Cloudy with sun, and, surprisingly mild at 16C. On Folding Bicycles, with Kathleen, and, collection more street names (O-T) for the Cyclechat ABC Street Name Challenge. No Video.

Thursday, 22nd October 2020

2.36 Miles
Boldon Colliery, Jarrow. Cloudy with sun, and, surprisingly mild at 16C. On Folding Bicycle. Only time for one street name (U) for the Cyclechat ABC Street Name Challenge

Friday, 23rd October 2020

6.09 Miles. Boldon Colliery - Jarrow. Damp, cold 12C, but, at least it has stopped raining. I stuck with the Folding Bicycle, for consistency. Kathleen switched to her hybrid. Still collecting street names for the Cyclechat ABC Street Names Challenge. Collected "V" thru "W" today, only "Z" to go. Had to do a bit off a fudge, for "X", using Exeter, with silent "E", it is allowed in the rules. No Video, due to user error!

Saturday, 24th October 2020

1.9 Miles. Boldon - Jarrow (St Mary's), meet Kathleen from Church, in the dark. Raining!



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