Week ending, Saturday, 29th May 2021 (23.64 miles)

 Wednesday, 26th May 2021

9.54 Miles. From Wyatts Covert CAMC Site, along Grand Union Canal. A dry day, 16C, even a little sun, but, the previous ten days of almost solid rain had left some of the towpath rather muddy, and, some big puddles, not to Kathleen's liking ;)

Collected some photographs for Cyclechat, mostly bridges. 

A quick coffee and cake stop by the canal.

Followed by miles 1.08 miles more, to collect "bike infront of gate" photographs for Cyclechat. Tilehouse Lane is a gold mine of fancy gates.

We even pass a "Police Incident", with some poor soul lying unconscious on the footway.

Friday, 28th May 2021

13.02 miles. Wyatts Covert CAMC Site - Iver Village. Warm and dry, sunshine and cloud, 19C. Another of my outing for Cyclechat Challenges, ABC of Town and Village names. Today, I bag "I" for Iver Village. We go via an on road route, courtesy of Cycle Routes App, and, returned via the Towpath of the Grand Union Canal, with a lunch stop for drinks and snacks.


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