Week ending Saturday 3rd June 2023 (26.59 miles)

 Sunday 28th May 2023

5.05 miles. Around the Boldons. One vintage 1947 pensioner walking, because she is in training for walking to Durham, the other vintage 1947 pensioner is injured (foot), so, setting the pace, and, carrying water etc, on a folding bike. Dry, cloudy, 14c. No video.

Friday 2nd June 2023

Only one vintage 1947 pensioner today, the other one is walking to Durham with daughters 2 and 3.

Video incomplete, because I forgot to format SD card, and, card filled up!

A quest to collect "R" and "S" of the Saint's Names (Cyclechat Challenge), today, bagged St Robert, and St Simon.

Disappointed that for St Roberts, I could only find a School, it qualifies, but, so far, I have managed all churches. St Simons was a trawl back through time, haven't been there since I was 11!


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