Week Ending, Saturday, 3rd April 2021. (39.52 miles)
Tuesday, 30th March 2021 13.09 miles. Boldon Colliery - Jarrow - Washington - Boldon Colliery. Sunny spring day, 13c and calm. A short trip of 2.85 miles, first outing with friends, since November!, due to Covid lockdown. Not cycling, drinks and nibbles, in the garden. Wednesday 31st March 2021 14.47 Miles. Boldon Colliery - Jarrow - Pelaw - Wrekenton - Boldon Colliery . Warm (11C), sunny and calm. Camera malfunction, well, user malfunction, forgot to charge batteries, so, on first 30-45 minutes recorded. Saturday, 3rd April 2021 9.11 miles. The Boldons - White Mare Pool - Jarrow - Boldon Colliery. Solo. Chilly 4c, dull, but quiet at 07:00am on a Saturday.