
Week Ending, Saturday 22nd June 2024 (17.29 miles)

  Saturday, 22nd June 2024 (9.83 miles) 9.83 Miles. Priors Field Farm CL - Sacred Heart, St Ives. Warm, 22c, cloudy. An "interesting route there, thanks to Google Maps, much simpler return journey. Two vintage 1947 pensioners. 7.46 miles. A second journey, Kathleen attending church.

Week Ending, Saturday 1st June 2024 (6.26 miles)

Tuesday 28th May 2024 6.26 miles. Boldon - Nissan. Windy, cloudy but mild 17c. Only one vintage 1947 pensioner today.  

Week ending, Saturday May 18th 2024 (6.47 miles)

  Sunday, 12th May 2024 6.47 miles. Any "easy" ride in a loop through Boldon Colliery - Washington (Nissan). Very pleasant morning, calm, and sunny 17c. Two vintage 1947 pensioners. Front view camera didn't record (user error), so, only the view from the rear available.

Week ending, Saturday 4th May 2024 (12.69 miles)

Saturday, 4th March 2024 12.69 miles. Waterpump CL - Badingham - Bruisyard -Framlington - Waterpump CL.   Our first bicycle ride for some months. A quiet start, around Badingham Village, then on to Framlington, much of it on a section of NCN1. A pleasant lunch in Framlington, at what appears to be Avery popular bakers shop come cafe. A little "essential" shopping (milk, and, an easy ready meal for this evening), before we take the "short" route back to the WaterpumpCL, mostly via the B1120. A final stop for refreshments at The White Horse, Badingham. I notice, for some reason, almost every pub is called The White Horse!

Week ending Saturday, 23rd March 2024 (10.51 miles)

Tuesday 19th March 2024   A tentative return to Cycling and Walking, after a lay-off of several months, due to an Achilles Tendon problem. Diagnosed as "thickening of Achilles Tendon", and told, "this is an over use injury, rest and recuperation is the solution". 6.02 miles. Boldon Colliery and West Boldon. One vintage 1947 pensioner riding Carrera Cross City e-bike (just acquired, not even made the first payment to Klarna yet), the other vintage 1947 pensioner walking (briskly). No ill effects. No video.  Friday 22nd March 2024 4.49 miles. Boldon Colliery and West Boldon. Only one vintage 1947 pensioner today, so, going a little faster, but, nothing too ambitious. Dry and sunny, 12c, but, very windy.

Week Ending, Saturday 16th December 2023 (4.76 miles)

  Friday, 15th December 2023 4.76 miles.   Boldon Colliery and Downhill Lane.  One vintage 1947 pensioner walking, one cycling on folding bicycle. Bright and sunny. Becoming rather fed up with this achilles tendon problem now, it has been about 8 months, and, no real improvement.

Week ending Saturday 25th November 2023 ( 4.24 miles)

  Friday, 24th November 2023 4.24 miles. Boldon Colliery and Jarrow. One vintage 1947 pensioner walking, one cycling on folding bicycle. Bright and sunny, but, bitterly cold with strong breeze from the North.